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The Ultimate Communication Solution For Your Startup

In today’s world, digitization of services is not an option like it once used to be. It has now become a necessity and an essential element that needs to be integrated into the services offered by businesses. Social media, SEO, advertising, all have become interlinked to each other. And it would not be wrong to say that the whole process seems a bit daunting. But if you are reading this, consider it is your lucky day, because you have come to the right place where technology will be seamlessly consolidated into your business while at the same time ensuring cost optimization. Here how INAI.Tools can offer support to your business:

As a solution we are offering –

Social INAI Tools

 for every Business in the world.

Are you tired of spending time designing your social media strategy? We are here to help you to make sure it gets implemented to generate the planned results. Don’t worry, you won’t have to install any software, you can use the services simply online in any browser. You can set up your posting schedules swiftly and the service itself will do the rest.

Moreover, you can analyze any user response to monitor your audience and catch up with the potential ones across all social networks. For the more influential people of your audience, follow them to identify their engagement with your posts.


Now that Facebook’s Messenger has replaced almost all other forms of messaging tools, even emails, email marketing has to be replaced with social media marketing. With INAI, you can rest assured that all your client’s messages and comments on your posts would be replied to as soon as they are received by the fully functional messenger bot which helps to increase your page response time as well.

You can set customized messages to be sent to comments and even send a bulk message to your Messenger subscribers. As for the posting, you can post literally about anything on your pages and groups.

Direct INAI Tools

Making your subscribers loyal to always be there for you can be a tough task. With Direct INAI Tools, give an exciting start to your new followers by sending them a personalized message so that they understand how important they are to you. Once you have them, Direct INAI Tools helps you to send promo codes or other relevant messages so that the subscribers stay active with you and don’t unsubscribe.

What’s more is that you can create a customized list of followers and send them anything that you want, be it emojis, posts, hashtags, videos, photos, and stories. You can simply access these services through your browser without using Ios / Android smartphones.

You INAI Tools

YouTube has been actively being used for marketing in recent days. And why shouldn’t it be? It is one of the most effective tools to interact with your target audience. The You INAI Tools helps you to easily upload your videos, set automatic replies to comments by subscribers, track your ranking on the app, and most importantly, give access to analytics of channels and videos that help you to evaluate if your campaigns are generating the desired results. Additionally, by searching with keywords, it aids you in subscribing to your desired channels and liking and commenting on their videos.


Having a website without being able to analyze its traffic is of no use. If you have already put in the effort of building the website, then you may as well go the extra mile and utilize SEO analytics. Here is what SEO INAI Tools can do for you:

  • Visitor Analytics: analyze your own website’s information including the number of unique visitors, number of page views, bounce rate, average stay time, average visit, traffic analysis, top referrer, new & returning visitors, content overview, country & browser report, OS & device report.
  • Website Analytics: analyze other website’s information, including Alexa, SimilarWeb, Whois, Social media, Moz check, DMOZ check, search engine index, google page rank, IP analysis, and malware check.

The services offered are unlimited. A complete package of your social network analysis, rank & index analysis, domain analysis, IP analysis, keyword analysis, and link analysis, all in one place! What’s more, is that your data stays safe through malware scan and enhance your business with the endless Google tools and utilities offered by INAI SEO.


With ADS INAI Tools, you can stay assured that all your social media networks will be managed smoothly without any delays in posting. All you need to do is simply sign up to access all the features, that are for free too! The service allows you to deal and plan with all your different social network posts in one place and provides you great insights that help you to evaluate your progress.

Once you have signed up and connected all your social networks, you can connect RSS Feeds and choose accounts or groups where the RSS posts will be published. You can even create email campaigns by starting off with creating a list of emails and uploading the email addresses. From there, with just a few clicks of your mouse, compose your email templates and set a schedule for them to be sent or sent them immediately if that’s what you prefer.

The Best Deal You Could Imagine

Now, you might be wondering what makes INAI unique? Having found the ultimate solution for all kinds of businesses, INAI understands that in the current time, where most businesses are still in the process of recovering from the huge losses they suffered due to COVID-19, extending a hand to help struggling businesses is any firm’s ethical responsibility.

We have come up with a free monthly subscription package for startups all around the world. Once the month is over, a list of competent startups would be selected to win annual subscriptions to all the services. The winners would be chosen by a combination of expert management and artificial intelligence, making sure that the results are transparent and reliable.

The great thing is that there is no limit to how many startups can utilize the free monthly subscription. And most importantly, the more the number of participants, the more the number of winners! So, hurry up and put your thinking hats on, subscribe to the monthly free services, and utilize them as effectively as you can to get chosen as the winner of INAI.Tools!

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