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Inflation is eating into the wallets of the largest consumers of pasta to the world. On the peninsula, their price has increased by 14% in a year.
From our correspondent in Rome, Quentin Raverdy
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Clike the rest of Europe in recent months, Italy has faced a worrying rise in inflation. Since March, the rate has even exceeded 6%: unheard of in the bel paese for more than thirty years, forcing the authorities to revise down their growth targets for a year 2022 supposed to mark the post-pandemic recovery. The rise in prices has invited itself permanently to the table of Italians who attend, helplessly, to their flight into the supermarkets : + 63.5% for oils; + 17.2% for flour; + 15.7% for butter. Even the sacrosanct pasta is not spared and shows a jump of 14% compared to last year.
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