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Why does your vital card no longer work at some doctors?

Pfix yourself having to wait longer to receive reimbursements for your care. As revealed The Parisian, several tens of thousands of French doctors are currently experiencing difficulties in transmitting care forms to Social Security. At issue is the blocking by the Post Office of external access to the mailboxes it hosts. However, more than 20,000 doctors today use an email address ending in ” “.

According to a statement from the La Poste group, “the consultation of email accounts through any other platform has been temporarily blocked as of April 27”. A measure that must remain in place for an indefinite period of time. According to information from the Ile-de-France daily newspaper, this massive blockage was decided after hackers tried to use e-mail services using logins and passwords available on the Internet. All connections coming from outside are therefore, since the end of April, simply impossible.

This blocking could remain anecdotal if the email addresses concerned were not those of health professionals. Indeed, during a consultation, your doctor must send the reimbursement requests directly to Social Security, so that you do not have to pay for the appointment. The form sent is mandatory to prove that a medical procedure has been performed and thus avoid fraud. To do this, these professionals use external software that needs to communicate via an email address. The latter serving as their identifier.

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” “, a service recommended by the Health Insurance

If several tens of thousands of caregivers use the services of the La Poste group, this is far from a coincidence. Indeed, the information services of the Social Security today strongly recommend to these professionals to use this messaging, or that of Orange. A recommendation due to the fact that these use the same security protocols, thus avoiding possible bugs.

For the time being, no date for a return to normal has been announced by the former state-owned company. She nevertheless assures that “the accounts of these health professionals will be unblocked as a priority”. The gradual resumption of services should take place from next Monday, May 9, it is also assured. Before a return to normal by mid-May.

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